Waking: A Haiku Collection

Why now, oh why now?!
On the verge of finding her
I woke, despairing.

- Etienne Domingue

Awaken to find
Someone has replaced your head
With a bowling ball.

(My sick day haiku.)

- Gordon Lambie

Smothered in my hole
Tons of black earth crushing me
I hunger for brains.

- Mathew Stiffel

Awakened quickly
Cold sweats, pounding heart and fear
Alone in my bed

(Autobiographical from 2:20am today.)

Opening my eyes
I greet the day as always
With the words "Oh, Fuck"

- Nick Wilson

Why dost thou leave me
Sleep? For Oblivion would
I forsake the world.

- Eleanor Gang
Cryo sleep over
A fierce itching in my chest
Oh no, not again ...

- Jeremy Low

Escape never lasts
The jealous sun is too proud
To cede to night, dream.

- Bill Moody


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