
Etienne Domingue speaks with an accent of nowhere and never; he has two second languages and no mother tongue.

Chris Brandon wants to remind you that your grandparents have had more sex than you.  Try not to picture it. I said try not to. Jeez.

Sam Zen is a musician and wordsmith currently  working in the forms of Haiku Thursdays and television comedy. He enjoys cookery, kookery, bass guitars, craft ales, and fine beards.

Nick Wilson has been known to ride down mountains on a unicycle, and once read Beowulf in Anglo-Saxon for fun (well, 3/4 of it). He hates cancer and veggies.

Jeremy Low is a skeptic, anti-theist, and gentlemanscholar. His interests include science, anime, and British comedy. He lives in Southern Ontario.

A Titan undercover as a Bishop’s student, François-René  “Little Mountain” Montpetit enjoys smiting the wicked, nefarious plotting, and playing video games – mostly the last one.

Simon Smart is a distant islander who doesn't belong in this strange land. He has just written a book and is hoping people will buy it.

If Eleanor Gang could be granted one wish, it would be to be tall enough to reach the top shelf at Provigo without standing on the bottom one.

Mathew Stiffel is as old as the universe and never wants to grow up. He cares a lot about not caring about very much, and has a forbidden romance with the Oxford Comma.

Gordon Lambie teaches High School English and enjoys writing on the side. He writes a weekly column for The Sherbrooke Record and self-published a poetry collection, New Bright Idea, in 2010.

Bill Moody is just this guy, you know?

A 30-something, pop-culture-mad mother of two, Sheila Quinn is also a Townshipper, deejay, journalist, and thrifter with a thing for lemon meringue and rockabilly.

Chief editor:  Eleanor Gang
Graphic editor, logo & web designer: Zoe Nadeau Boucher
Cover illustration: Chris Brandon
Additional editing & event coordination: Etienne Domingue 


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